Wednesday 19 October 2011

Project Christmas

Last year a good friend of mine asked me if I wanted to be part of a project she was working on wherein she would collect donations from friends and family in order to make Christmas presents for the homeless people of downtown Vancouver. Me, loving a challenge and organizing events happily agreed to help. Little did I know the profound change this Project Christmas would have on my life.

Working downtown, I see the homeless problem our city has and too often we brush it aside as "oh they're addicted to drugs and they did this to themselves" so we don't have to learn why this happened to them. Why someone's child ended up living in a wet cardboard box in an alley.

The leading cause of homelessness is not drug addiction, but poverty. Being that Vancouver is one of the most expensive cities in the world to live in, it makes sense that we would see a large homeless population. People with no skills or advantages could easily fall through the cracks; Making $8.75/hr (our minimum wage) is not enough to keep up with the cost of living in Vancouver. If you would like to read more on this topic, please visit Stop Homelessness.

So back to my story... We knew that the two of us couldn't solve the homelessness problem with small donations from friends and family alone. We decided to focus our efforts on bringing joy to those who do not get to experience it around the holidays like we do. To open ONE Christmas present is something that I generally did not hold in such high regard. Selfish admission: If I get ONE Christmas gift, I'd be looking for the rest of them.

We were able to make 160 gifts, and donate a large amount of clothing as well. The people that received these gifts were beyond thankful as many of them had not opened a gift in years. I really hope this year we can grow this project into something bigger and have an impact on more people. Project Christmas helped me understand kindness on a whole other level, and I'm really happy I was able to be a part of it.

"We think sometimes that poverty is only being hungry, naked and homeless. The poverty of being unwanted, unloved and uncared for is the greatest poverty." - Mother Teresa.

Thursday 13 October 2011

people for good

I love good deeds and this website is all about it! LOVE IT!

It's as simple as smiling at a stranger or holding a door open for another - good karma makes the world go 'round!

My goal is to read through the good deeds listed and try to do a couple each day. Be the change, Penski, be the change!

Thursday 4 August 2011

gym tan laundry

Many of us pay for premium cable because we want to watch well written and well funded television shows.

That's one theory. I also believe that in today's world, where we are recovering from a recession and understand that we have less money, we tend to think twice about spending that money extravagantly. Thus, activities that require less money that still hold us captivated and entertain our brains are becoming more and more popular. Activities like boardgames, sports, and old faithful - television. This is why I justify buying premium channels. Instead of going out for dinner and a movie I can take the less expensive route, and make something delicious in the comfort of my own home. Then I crack the box of wine, walk over to the couch, and with the click of a button I am entertained! Huzzah! All without a bill from a restaurant, overly priced movie tickets, and the cost of gas or parking.

With me so far? Great. So I love shows like True Blood, Game of Thrones, The Walking Dead, and Boardwalk Empire - basically anything that HBO produces and/or airs is tops. TOPS! Well funded, good story lines, and great actors are what I'm looking for in my extra 20-something a month. I watch these and other shows religiously, PVRing them and keeping up-to-date with my stories is important to me.

Then, there's Jersey Shore.

The most unintelligent, tasteless, talentless show probably ever to be produced.

"I got an idea for a show"

"yah, what's that?"

"let's get a bunch of 20-somethings drunk, watch them make out with one another while fighting and/or fist-pumping (it's a dance), and then film it!"

Gold. Solid Gold.

I feel like hours of my life have been lost that will never be recovered, and every time I press play I immediately drop a couple thousand brain cells.... yet, I love the show.

It's right up there on my PVR list just calling to me: "Laura....Laura....GYM TAN LAUNDRY... Juice Head... For Reals... I'm a bartender, I do, like, great things".

And I answer the call. Every Thursday. Like a chump.

The only justification I ever give to people in response to my need to watch this show is that it's like a car accident. It's just so bad, but I can't look away for some reason. I mean really, this bunch of spoiled 20-somethings from Jersey really need to have their egos pumped up a little bit more? Let's give them book deals and albums and tours! And do they know they're a joke? Do they understand that people only say things like "Gym Tan Laundry" as a reference to their stupidity in taking pride in a fake tan, clean clothes they paid some poor immigrant to clean for them, and well, I guess big muscles never hurt anyone.

All I'm saying is that I hope they enjoy their 15 minutes. Cuz it's almost up.

And my life is WAY cooler and should be filmed instead.